Publishing policies

Publication ethics

Plagiarism policy

Speculum Juris views issues of plagiarism and other breaches of best practice in publication in very serious light. We seek to protect both the rights of our contributing authors and the scholarly integrity of the journal. All claims of plagiarism will be investigated. Submitted articles may be checked with plagiarism detection software. In circumstances where an article is found to have been plagiarised or otherwise in breach of publication ethics, we reserve the right to take action which may include, but not limited to, publishing an erratum or corrigendum; retracting the article; taking up the matter with the author’s institution and/or relevant professional bodies; or taking appropriate legal action.

Prior publication

In general, the journal does not accept material that has been previously published.

Contributor’s publishing agreement

By their submission, all authors whose articles have been accepted for publication agree that they retain copyright in the work but grant Speculum Juris the sole and exclusive right and licence to publish it for the full legal term of copyright.

Open access

Speculum Juris is an open access electronic journal. All submissions are published under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence [ ]. Thus, the author retains copyright in all published material but grants permission for the material to be made available freely on our website. We may make such material available for publication on other websites of a scholarly nature, including electronic repositories of research material. The material may be cited, downloaded and/or copied by others provided the authors are given appropriate credit for their work, their copyright is not infringed in any way, the use is non-commercial and the users of the material include a reference to its original publication in Speculum Juris.

Processing fees

All submissions published (including articles, comments and case notes) are subject to a processing fee of ZAR100.00 per page. An invoice will be generated when the article is published and is payable upon presentation.